Day 13 | Karuizawa (5)

preparing breakfast on the printing tabel

Weekend. No classes today, but we have the studio at our disposal for the next two days. The first thing is to get some sleep, which is both of our goals.

Breakfast on the terrace. Vladimir is no longer surprised by this at all. He has to be careful though, because his forehead is already a bit burnt. He’s got himself to blame for that, because it’s very big - a sign of great intelligence, he tells me.

I quickly hang up my white washing, washing here only takes 38 minutes! The washing machines look a little bit like the ‘centrifuge’ that we used to have at home. The lid opens from the top.

I chop up the vegetables for the soup and then I can start printing.

It is a bit of a search to get a good print. Terry works drier than we are used to. Finding the right balance between moisture, glue and ink is the challenge. Printing Goma Zura seems to work quite well. Mokume works. But printing on a flat surface is not easy.

I have fun on my own with my son’s playlist as my only companion. Thank you, son. I sing along loudly to Prince and the Smiths.

Upstairs, Vladimir is cutting out his print. It is going to be a beautiful piece of work, it already makes me happy to think about what it is going to be like.

We have lunch on the terrace, me in the last triangle of sunshine.

food on the terrace between futons drying in the sun

We work a bit more. Then we go to Gina’s for ice cream and coffee. We have just discovered that there is an ‘Atelier de Fromage’ and an ice cream shop (= Gina’s) behind the house! We have been walking to the other side of town for the last few days.

They have parmesan and basil sauce at the Atelier de Fromage. In other words, pesto. The ice cream is exquisite. I have pistachio (Terry’s favourite) and strawberry. Tomorrow I’m going to try pistachio again, but combined with nuts. Vladimir has already decided what he is going to have tomorrow as well. Bloodorange doesn’t go with this combination. Just to be sure, he eats another scoop on the way.

happy Vladimir walking out the door at Gina's

After the walk I go to the supermarket (on the other side of town). I buy bread, coffee and onegiris for tomorrow.

We are at work until late evening. I fill up my suitcase in advance so that I can weigh it before we leave tomorrow. We remain concerned about the suitcase issue. As well as the shopping (and most of all the time schedule) of our week in Tokyo. It is going to be a puzzle. Vladimir does not sleep well at night because he is worried about it.

I turn off the light in my room while he continues working quietly, preparing his paper for tomorrow. I turn off the heating of the blanket as well. I wonder what time I am going to wake up tomorrow.